Carmel Catholic retreats are an essential component of each student’s holistic formation. Retreats are student-led and adult-directed, which provides students with opportunities for meaningful peer ministry.
The Freshman Retreat is an opportunity for students to get to know each other and the school in the context of God’s love for us. It breaks open Carmel Catholic’s motto, "Belong. Believe. Become.". This retreat is led by numerous seniors who prepare talks and lead small group reflections and discussions. The Freshman Retreat culminates in a Mass where students receive the Carmelite Scapular.
The Sophomore and Junior retreats are under review in view of the current Strategic Plan.
Carmel Catholic retreats culminate in the Kairos Retreat. This is a four-day retreat experience in which the student examines relationships with God, self and others. During the retreat, students hear talks and discuss them in small groups, experience prayer throughout each day, have an opportunity for Sacramental Reconciliation, and celebrate Eucharist together. Carmel Catholic requires every senior to engage in a retreat experience during the senior year and the Kairos Retreat is encouraged.