Student Services
The Student Services department offers a framework of comprehensive, student-centered services that enhance students' academic, social-emotional, and college and career aspirations.
At Carmel Catholic High School, students are known, valued and supported. The Student Services team is dedicated to providing individualized support which promotes the faith, values, learning, health, dignity and diversity of every Carmel student.
College and Career Resource Center
The College and Career Resource Center (CCRC) assists students and parents in the college planning and selection process. The center is committed to helping Carmel Catholic students prepare to further their education.
The CCRC provides a full range of information for students and parents as they navigate the college search. College programs are held throughout the year in the evenings, after school, and in the classroom, as well as special planning nights for students and parents. Over 150 colleges visit campus each year to recruit Carmel Catholic students.
The College and Career Counselor is available to meet with students and/or parents to work individually on the college process. These meetings can be scheduled to talk about general college search, the application process, financial aid, etc. Junior parents are invited to a general college information presentation. In the fall of senior year, students and their parents attend an application completion night.
College Career Planning
Carmel Catholic uses MaiaLearning, a powerful software tool that students, families, counselors, and teachers will use to research careers and majors and coordinate the college application process. Students will be exposed to different inventories that can highlight possible careers and can show students potential majors.
In addition, each junior and his/her parents have a college-planning meeting with his/her school counselor. During this junior planning meeting, the counselor and family partner together on the beginning stages of developing a plan for after high school graduation.
Throughout senior year, final post-secondary plans are reviewed with seniors.
REACH Center
The REACH Center (Recognizing Educational And College Hopes), established in 2021, is a learning center modeled after college and university learning centers available to all students at Carmel Catholic High School. Working in collaboration with the academic departments, the REACH Center is available to students before school, during all lunch waves, and after school.
In addition to academic tutoring, the REACH Center also supports students with the necessary executive functioning skills that are essential to be a successful, independent learner. Professional tutoring, peer tutoring, academic coaching, study skills instruction and assessment review sessions are just some of the many services the REACH Center provides.
School Counseling
The School Counseling Department is dedicated to developing a comprehensive program which promotes student’s success and growth in three domains including: academic achievement, social/emotional wellbeing and college/career planning. The department is driven by student data to enhance the learning and development of all students.
The School Counseling program is a collaborative effort between students, counselors, parents and other educators to create an environment that promotes growth in all three domains. School Counselors focus their skills, time and energy on direct and indirect services including, but not limited to, individual meetings, goal setting, connection to resources inside and outside of school, college planning, and career exploration. The School Counseling curriculum promotes goal setting that aligns with Carmel Catholic’s mission. School Counselors help students to develop knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary for the future.
Student Wellness Center

School Psychologist
The school psychologist at Carmel Catholic is a uniquely qualified member of Carmel Catholic's Student Services team that supports students’ ability to learn and teachers’ ability to teach. The school psychologist has expertise in mental health, learning, and behavior to help our students succeed academically, socially, behaviorally, and emotionally.
The school psychologist coordinates assessment and data collection/analysis, as well as facilitates the process for evaluation, problem solving, and student interventions. Additionally, the school psychologist provides direct support to students through individual and group counseling and crisis intervention.
Serna Learning Resource Center
The Carlos J. Serna Learning Resource Center was established in 2009 to support the students of Carmel Catholic High School with disabilities that affect educational performance. An active formalized plan includes an Individual Services Plan (ISP) or Section 504 Accommodation Plan. Supportive services may include classroom and/or testing accommodations within the general education setting.
Additionally, students who need a more supportive environment may take the Learning Resource Seminar class. Within this class, individualized goals are identified and progress is monitored regularly while being provided specialized instruction within a resource setting and given accommodations within the general education setting. Goals target the student’s specific skills deficits of academic functioning in the areas of reading, math and writing and/or functional performance.
School Nurse
The Carmel Catholic High School nurse advances the well-being, academic success, lifelong achievement and overall health of our students. The role of the school nurse has evolved, as her responsibilities often go beyond just ensuring that basic health services are available to our students during the school day. The mission of the school nurse is multi-faceted and includes providing preventive services, identifying problems in the earliest stages and overseeing interventions and referrals as a way to foster health and ensure educational success. Beyond promoting health and safety for students within the school facility during the school day, our school nurse also encourages students to maintain healthy habits and behaviors when they are not in school.
Multicultural Center
The Multicultural Center is a space specifically designed for students, faculty and staff to come together to have conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion. The Center is open to all, serving as a place where students feel welcome, safe, and respected. Aligned with the core values (freedom, education, charity and justice) of the Sisters of Charity, BVM, the Center provides a wealth of programming, introducing students to different cultures, ethnicities, and religions, and allowing them to learn about their differences as well as what makes them the same. The Multicultural Center, also serves as a meeting place for various student clubs. Books and games are available for use on-site, and for checkout.
Advisory Periods

The curriculum in Advisory covers a range of topics – academics, wellness, faith/mission, executive functioning, finances, college planning, and more. Many of these topics are outside the realm of traditional, core curriculum.
This curriculum is also dynamic, adapting to the needs of our students in real-time. Students answer basic questions each morning about how they’re feeling, called the Pulse Check. This data helps us determine how our students are doing at any given time and informs the adaptive curriculum in Advisory.
Wellness Days